A Breath Away

by Lisa Hurst on April 4, 2012

My heart goes out to you Paula and the girls. I will never forget the gift that God gave us in your husband/father.  It seems as though his dash was not long enough.  But oh what he was able to accomplish!

You all have changed my life .

I remember lovingly all those Sunday’s in the Kids Place serving with you Paula. I gave you a CD back then with a song entitled “A Breath Away”.  I still have all my tapes and CD’s of Davids sermons from those days.  I will always cherish them along with the books.

David’s spirit lives.  He is only a “breath away”.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers.


One comment

The title of the song is, “To Where You Are”, by Josh Groben

by Lisa Hurst on April 4, 2012 at 7:15 am. Reply #

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