On the Passing of a God-Given Giant

by garrisong007 on April 4, 2012

I am deeply saddened to learn the news of David’s passing. David and I were good friends in our younger years, but had lost contact over the span of time following high school. We only recently reconnected after more than four decades.

Through The Gathering website, I have witnessed the legacy of a life well-lived, with love and compassion for all who gathered in his presence. David’s impassioned and inspiring words were a source of great hope, providing a true beacon of light and love for all.

So it is with absolute certainty that I know David was welcomed with open arms by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and is now at peace, basking in the eternal love and joy that God promises to all who enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Gary Garrison, Albuquerque, New Mexico

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