Pastor Dave touched my life, as he did thousands…

by Facebook on April 5, 2012

I’m so very sorry. Can’t tell you how this hard this has been for my small human mind to wrap around. Please let the rest of the family know that I’m praying and Pastor Dave touched my life, as he (…)

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Those Great Theologians Captain and Tennille

by Facebook on April 5, 2012

As those great theologians Captain and Tennille said, Love Will Keep Us Together. Barbie Isham via Facebook

A Tough Day Yesterday Saying Goodbye To Our Friend and Incredible Pastor David Foster

by Facebook on April 5, 2012

My heart hurts this morning after a tough day yesterday saying goodbye to our friend and incredible pastor David Foster. David was just not the kind of guy that comes along every day. Whether you spent 10 minutes or 10 (…)

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Give strength to Paula and the girls

by Facebook on April 5, 2012

Dear Jesus, As I lay down to sleep tonight – I am asking for an amazing amount of strength tomorrow as each of us face a very difficult time – saying goodbye to our friend, pastor and spiritual leader. But (…)

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And what fun he had delivering those messages

by Facebook on April 5, 2012

What a wonderful message. He was always such an inspirational speaker. And what fun he had delivering those messages. One of the first things that struck me about him was his absolute confidence in his faith in God. He will (…)

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by rlyda13 on April 5, 2012

I would like to say what a amazing family Dave has everyone has been so strong .  I wish I could have that strength that Paula and the girls have then I hear Dave’s voice (All things are possible with GOD) (…)

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I loved Dr. David Foster

by johnrags on April 4, 2012

From my brother, Joshua called me several years ago while my family and i were still living in austin i can still hear the excitement in his voice “John, you have got to meet Dr. David Foster you two (…)

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The Circle Of Life

by auntsusanelaine on April 4, 2012

April 24, 2007: Larry and I stand in a funeral home, next to a friend, receiving visitation for his wife. David and Paula came through the line of mourners. David gave Larry a word of encouragement. David whispered to me (…)

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My brother

by aldenmaz on April 4, 2012

Dave was one special man of God. He brought me back to the Church and after 6 months, I was convinced that he was the real deal. That campus out on hwy 70 is there because Dave and Paula are (…)

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On the Passing of a God-Given Giant

by garrisong007 on April 4, 2012

I am deeply saddened to learn the news of David’s passing. David and I were good friends in our younger years, but had lost contact over the span of time following high school. We only recently reconnected after more than (…)

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