
by Pepper on April 3, 2012

I have been out of fellowship with God’s people for over 10 years.

Attending The Gathering and sitting under David Fosters teaching was the first time in 10 years that I finally was beginning to feel like I could serve God’s people again.

I cannot tell you how deeply I have been affected by Davids passing.

My heart goes out to his wife and children..

One comment

David Foster

My husband and I loved David Foster and how his words touched and stayed with us after hearing him. I loved Dr. Foster because:

He was a Rock Star for Jesus Christ!
He was a real Man in love with his wife Paula and his Girls!
He loved his Dog…and
He loved his Harley motorcycle without apology!
(also remember chocolate and bacon)
He left us with everyday David Fosterisms

David, your words meant more than I could ever say and I look forward to seeing you someday next to Him that breathed beautiful sermons through you with the courage needed that we so often can’t find. You helped us with that courage and I look forward to letting you know what your life lessons and love for Jesus meant to my family! We will always remember you!

We are so sad for Paula and the girls and The Gathering Family! What a remarkable husband, father and Shepard!

by Alice Sherman McClary on April 3, 2012 at 9:42 pm. Reply #

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