A Lesson in Grace

by michbrinson on April 3, 2012

I didn’t grow up in church. In fact, I was quite intimidated even at the thought of discussing church, religion… anything spiritual. Why? Because as a pretty “smart” kid, this was one area of life I was very ignorant. My first attempt at church took place when I was 16. I used the excuse of driving the car to go to church. I made friends. I learned a lot. But I was naive and when “church” didn’t meet up to my expectations, I allowed that to be a reflection on who I thought God was. Fast forward many years, faith meant really nothing to me. But I went through a very difficult experience… sort of an identity crisis… and a friend told me about this church that was meeting at Bellevue Middle School. One day I found myself pulling up to that church and getting up the courage to go inside. I can’t tell you specifically what the message was that day, all I know is that on that day and every day forward, I started to learn about GRACE.

David Foster had a profound impact on my life. I learned so much about God’s love and grace from him.

Many of my closest friends today are people I met while attending BCC. Lots of people that attended that church have gone on to start their own churches or ministries and it makes me thing of how God used David and BCC to build His Kingdom.

I lost my dad very suddenly 3 years ago. It’s extremely painful for those who are left behind… because we miss this person we love so dearly. So I weep with Paula and David’s daughters… because I know they will truly miss him. But I also rejoice because I know that David is dancing on the streets of Heaven and getting a chance to meet and see some of the very people he impacted over the course of his life. And there will be many more to come.

David… thank you for showing me who God really is.

Since my days at BCC, I’ve traveled on Mission trips around the world, planting churches and proclaiming the name of Jesus. I’ve worked for various ministries in our community and now work at the Nashville Rescue Mission. I’ve led some of my own family members to the Lord. I’m trying to teach my son who is only 2 1/2 just how much Jesus loves him. I remember one day you made a very profound statement… you said “I wonder what a child would be like if he heard every day of his life that Jesus loved him no matter what.” That stuck with me. And I’ve told my son that almost every day of his life. I can’t wait to see what kind of man my son will grow up to be.

Thank you for sharing your life and love of Jesus with the rest of us!

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