Going Home…

by tlenervi on April 4, 2012

After being in TN for 2 years, I was invited to BCC in 2000 by Jackie’s soccer coach.

After going there one time and hearing Pastor David speak, it was like being home again. He spoke from a place and in a way that really connected with me and my family.

He wasn’t all “hellfire and damnation.” He was a down-to-earth guy.

Every message seemed to be directly pointed at me, in whatever I was going through at the time. He spoke to the heart of the matter, always.

I worked as a backstage volunteer for 6 years at BCC, and got to work close with him.

He has touched so many lives, that he will be greatly missed by many.

Prayers to Paula and his daughters right now. We lift you all up in prayer and blessings.

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