It was too short

by rjbouge on April 2, 2012

I only found The Gathering a year ago, but Pastor Dave’s messages made a dramatic difference in my life. Speaking to me at a level only touched by a few very Godly men, his legacy will always live in me.

Whether I’m still in one peace, (BABY!!!!), or Mooing at the end of a prayer, his messages inspired me in so many ways.

There are no words that would adequately describe Dave to that those who never experienced him. His comical delivery, his God-filled message, and his un-waivering faith, the list is endless.

And it’s that combination the made Dave Dave. I am truly blessed to be able to say Dave was my pastor.

One comment


by jeff frey on April 2, 2012 at 10:38 pm. Reply #

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