Still in one piece !!!!

by rlyda13 on April 2, 2012

Sitting here looking at this screen numb with shock and disbelief I can hear Dave saying how are you doing and it brings a smile to my face to be able to say STILL IN ONE PIECE !!!

Dave you and Paula have changed mine and my husband’s life around from the first day we walked into your family the way the two of you were able to bring us closer to each other and GOD is truly a gift from GOD and the large family we have gained from it is so beautiful it was a honor to be able to have the few short years we did with you, we will always remember you and will always be part of your family and even though you have gone to be our Father in Heaven preparing a Glorious place for us all.

I just wanted to say your family here is still strong (even though I’m sure you already know that) and even though we are all deeply pained and at loss, I can honestly say if I was asked how I was doing I could honestly say STILL IN ONE PIECE and I can hear Dave answering Yeah GOD!

Paula, you are in our thoughts and prayers along with your wonderful girls what a amazingly strong woman you are I pray every night GOD gives me half the strength and faith you have. The people you touch and help along with the daily task you juggle are more than any one person could handle yet our Father gives you the strength for that and so much more so giving even at this time! we love you and David so so much thank you for all that you do and have done. YEAH GOD !!!

I am blessed beyond any that the Gathering is my home! Dave you will be so terribly missed but I truly believe GOD has a plan and he needed you with him to help finish it so he called you home, Harley and all !!!

Forever in our hearts and lives never forgotten

Charity, Robert Lyda and Ricky Bass

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