The things David said….

by emifriend on April 2, 2012

My first Sunday with David was in January of the year after losing my big brother to AIDS. I went to the the church at  Bellevue Middle School because I kept getting postcards from this church, and I heard I did not have to dress up for this church.

David said two things I will always remember. First, that his brother had died a tragic death. I thought, “Wow, this guy might understand what I am going thru.” This was important to me because my former pastor, in poor taste, had continually kidded my grief stricken mom about having my brother’s ashes in his closet at the church.

. The second thing I remember from this sermon was about the reputation of Christians as being intolerant.  David said, in 1995,” Tell all the Gays they can come here! I want this church to have a reputation for having Gays. They can all sit on the front row!” You could have heard a pin drop, Then he said…” next to all the adulterers and gossips and tax cheats–don’t tell me with 1500 people in here there are no adulterers  gossips or  tax cheats.”  A nervous laughter erupted followed by another silence as people took in the depth of what David had said. I wished my brother could have heard it.

I had never heard these things from a pulpit before.  I had looked and looked for Christian books on “how to love your big brother who is dying of AIDS,” only to find books about the “evilness” of Gays and their agenda. David’s words really helped me that day.  I always looked forward to going back to hear what else David would say! He continually taught, amused, healed and inspired me.

I will weep with those who weep now and rejoice forever when I get to the other side. I am certain David is hearing those words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”



I started watching David’s Sunday services a few yrs ago because the last Church service I went to I was crying so hard I couldnt stop and no one said a word or even looked at me. Also because I was working realllly crazy hrs at work and I needed the flexibility of an online church. Someone gave me a website but soon as it hit my hand I knew it wasn’t it. I Googled and David’s site leaped off the page. I have gotten more words of understanding, compassion and God from a man I never been in the same room with all the churches I have been to in the past 10 yrs combined. God sent David. When he was done, he took him him home. I prayed and asked God to tell David how much his ministry meant to me. I know David knows now. And that makes this feel a lil better.

by K.I.D on April 8, 2012 at 8:29 pm. Reply #

When I found BCC 20 years ago in a small theatre in my old high school, I was newly divorced with a three year old and needed guidance in the worst way. I started attending church there where I used to go to high school (hence, a little bit of comfort) and found what I called my “food for the week”. From then on each week helped me to have the strength to be the single parent I wanted to be through the faith that David and Paula helped me grow into. I met my now husband and introduced him to “BCC” and though he was raised in a Catholic environment and found it “different” he grew to love the church and all it stood for and was happy to raise our daughter in the loving grace of the Fosters and their family. Erin, Stevo and all the rest have meant SO much to our family and we would not be who we are as a unit without each and every one of them who are so very special because of Dave and Paula. Truly, we dont know what to do without him in our lives every week but because of our love for Paula and the girls/awesome newer family guys!!!, we are here for the long run to see the rest of Dave’s dream lived out because he taught us how to be a renegade for God!! We will so miss him.

by Ruth Lipski on April 10, 2012 at 8:21 pm. Reply #

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