True Sadness
by rwarey on April 3, 2012
Man, this hurts! I know as bad as I feel, I can’t imagine the pain Paula and the girls (and everyone who loves him) feels. Since I found out last night (after a good cry), I haven’t really thought of anything else.
Pastor Dave holds a huge place in my life. He has played a giant part in my walk with Jesus and brought me so much closer to God through his ministry. Ever since I left Nashville a few years ago, I have never been able to find a church with a Pastor that could come close to Dave so I continued my Sunday morning visits via the internet which I looked forward to with great anticipation. I don’t know what I’ll do now without those Sunday Dave messages and the Dave Raves.
I just went out for a walk with my iPhone (yes, Dave. I’m an apple guy too) to listen to music while walking. As I walked, I started thinking about Dave again and what he means to me when the eclectic radio station in LA that I was listening to began playing a wonderful pan flute version of Amazing Grace. How appropriate… I said to myself; that’s for you, Brother Dave… Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.
I bet there’s a football game in Heaven tonight.
Rob in Wyoming
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