You don’t get to choose

by savage3672 on April 2, 2012

I remember his sermon well…you don’t get to choose what and when something happens to you.  You just get to choose how you react to it.  I walked out of that sermon and found a    friend of mine had passed away at age 35.  I was shocked and humbled.  Then a week ago my own sister had a bad car accident and narrowly escaped death.  As I got the news she would be released from the hospital today, I also found out Pastor Foster passed away.  I am still shocked.  I may have not told him, but he was instrumental in my finding my way back to God.  I had the utmost respect for him and his life’s work.   He loved life and I’m sure heaven is filled with football and motorcycles.  We will miss you!

– savage3672


I came to hear Dr. Foster for the first time in 2000 after going through a painful church split. I was beat down and Dr. Foster’s message gave me hope. I listened to his messages so many times on my ipod that I could remember all of his jokes and one-liners (smoking is a spiritual gift in KY; the gravy ladle hidden under the “roommate’s” blanket, the “aisle, altar, him”= “I’ll alter him” wedding joke, (Mary to James) “Why can’t you be like your brother Jesus?” (James back to Mary( “Come to think of it Mother, why can’t YOU be more like Jesus?”) He could have been a comedian. I constantly remember his prayers that our dreams would grow wings. I remember him dancing off to the side as Barbie and the band played while he was reading his iPad. I remember how courageous he was when Paula went to the hospital recently and how frail he was contingent on her well-being. I remember how he always made sure Paula was placed on a pedestal and given the credit for being the source of what was good in their home. I remember that he loved what he did , never stopped exploring for his newfound talents and never stopped developing his already discovered ones. Dr. Foster inspired me to find a need and fill it and find a wound and heal it. Dr. Foster taught me that “Hurt People, hurt people”. I love his gratitude and appreciation for AA and the struggle that people have trying to find a way to get through this life in one piece. Dr. Foster was the conduit of energy, hope and excitement for being a follower of Christ and living in the freedom we can rightly claim through Jesus Christ. I love you Dave and you never got to hear me tell you this. I will always be a fan of your life and will take advantage of what you taught my starving soul and wounded heart every week. I trust that you are finally seeing face to face the compassionate eyes that followed your life every step of the way. I trust that there is a loving God welcoming you home and telling you how proud he has been of your courage in life, your commitment to your family and the fires you lit in the hearts of believers everywhere. God bless you sir for being the man God called you to be.
Doug Cooley

by dougcooley on April 2, 2012 at 10:45 pm. Reply #

Thank you for your post, the tears are flowing.

by cyllusmom on April 3, 2012 at 7:39 pm. Reply #

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