“You’ve Got To Be All In About Something …

by Dave Seldon on April 3, 2012

… ladies and gentlemen, my God, make it this!”

One comment

The pain is unbelievable! My love for Pastor Dave and Paula is great. I would not have made it through so much had it not been for their words and passion. 2007 was one of my toughest years and The Gathering gave me Hope and brought me to a place of peace. I don’t understand God’s reasoning for this and I have to say I’m a little mad….sorry. My only thought must be that Dave gave SO much and God said he has done enough. It is our turn to take his service and use in his name and in God’s name. Rest In Peace David. You will be forever in my heart and the heart of my family. I lift the Foster family up in prayer and hope they always know how much they are loved and appreciated.

by Katharine Hodges on April 3, 2012 at 3:49 pm. Reply #

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